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NGL ONE Rules & Regulations for Warcraft III
1.     Definitions

1.1. Clan: An association of players, building a managed team is called a “clan” in the following. Every clan needs to have a web presence, including a roster and information upon the clan structure and the official clan representatives. Clans can apply for an invitation to be able to attend qualification events for the NGL ONE and NGL TWO league during the application period which will be announced on www.ngl-one.com
1.2. Teams and Team Manager: The clans are announcing line-ups of four (4) players. Those line-ups are called teams in the following. Each clan announces a responsible clan member, making decisions and representing the clan in front of the league administration: a Team Manager is responsible for a Clan and is the entity that will receive the prize if its clan wins.
1.3. Players: Players attending the NGL ONE and NGL TWO league must be part of one and only one clan. A player is not allowed to represent another clan online or offline, which includes all possible Warcraft III gaming activities in national and international tournaments and leagues. It also includes that a player is not allowed to play under the name of a different clan or wear another clan’s uniform. Excluded from this rule are tournaments and leagues officially offered by Blizzard Entertainment and venues not offering prize money. Players are also allowed to represent a regional allstar team or a national team in special competitions.
1.4. Membership: Being a member of a clan or being authorized to represent a clan in the NGL ONE and NGL TWO depends only on the information published in the team account, not on any information published on any other web presence.
1.5. League Officials: Referees are assigned by the NGL ONE to observe, judge and administer matches. The Headreferee is allowed to supersede rules and decisions of any Referee. The Supervisor is the ultimate authority concerning any decision.

2.     General Information

2.1. All clans declare with their participation in the league to agree to and comply with the rules and regulations of the NGL ONE and NGL TWO. All attending Warcraft III players must be at least 14 years old.
2.2. Clans participating at the league agree to a non-disclosure policy. Clan representatives and players are not allowed to disclose internal discussions, decisions and communication protocols. Clans violating the non-disclosure policy can receive penalty points, become suspended or banned from the league.
2.3. All clan representatives and players recognize that all stated days and times mentioned in the rules and regulations refer to Central European Timezone (CET = GMT +01:00)

3.     Responsibilities & Commitments

3.1. The team manager has to ensure that all players of his clan and all representatives read, understand, accept and comply with the rules & regulations of the NGL ONE.
3.2. Every player has to upload an adequate picture of himself and to ensure to complete his profile within 10 days after joining the clan. Ignoring this, can result in Penalty Points for the clan.
3.3. Each team has to send at least one captain or organizer into the private irc-channels of NGL ONE or NGL TWO due to communication reasons.
3.4. The team manager is also liable to arrange the matchdate with the competing clan before the beginning of the according matchday and announce the line-up through the administration interface of the leagues homepage until 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the according clanwar.
3.5. Additionally each team representative has to enter a statement towards the upcoming clanwar at the same time.
3.6. The line-ups will then be published automatically and cannot be changed anymore. Before the line-ups are published they can be edited.
3.7. A new player needs to be added by the team manager to the clan’s roster on the NGL ONE and NGL TWO homepage to be regarded as a part of the clan. The player is not allowed to play the same matchday he is joining the clan. If the player has played for a different clan in the league before, he is not allowed to play against clans he already faced with his former clan in the same season again. To be allowed to play on the league finals or the relegation match a player has to be added before the end of the 8th matchday. A player is only allowed to play either in the NGL TWO Qualifier or the relegation match (ranked 8th place of NGL ONE vs. ranked 3rd place of NGL TWO).
3.8. If a player has been part of a team that has been removed during a season the rule mentioned in 3.7. is going to be invalid. The player is allowed to play on the next matchday.
3.9. The league is not responsible for additional agreements between players and clans. Additional agreements are only allowed if they do not violate the rules and regulations of the league, but will not be considered through any proceedings of the league. The NGL ONE reserves the right to change the rules and regulations at any time without prior notice to the attending clans.
3.10. Clans cancelling their participation in NGL TWO season on their own decision may not attend the qualification for the next season. When a team cancels its participation during the season or the finals, gets suspended or banned from the league, all played and open matches will be set as a 4-0 default win for the opposing teams and has no claim for payment of the attendance fee or prize money.
3.11. By attending this competition, clans and players acknowledge, without limitation to comply with the rules and regulations of the league and with the decisions of the league officials. The application of these rules and regulations is at the sole discretion of the league officials. Any decision from league officials will supersede these rules and regulations to preserve the spirit of competition.

4.     Qualification

4.1. Clans that would like to participate at the next NGL TWO Season will have to apply in a written form. This application has to arrive within the time that is announced by the league officials.
4.2. The Qualification features 16 teams playing in a full double-elimination grid. When a clan is defeated twice in the Qualification it will be eliminated from the competition.
4.3. Teams coming down from NGL TWO Seasons (ranked 8th, 9th and 10th) will take the top 3 seeds  of the Qualification according to their ranking from the previous NGL TWO Season.
4.4. Teams may get no penalty points during the Qualification but warnings. Every team that gets more than four warnings from league officials (every delict that would be punished in the season corresponds to one warning) can be suspended from the Qualification.

5.     Season – Matchday information

5.1. One matchday has a length of two usual weeks, starting Monday at 12:00AM (0:00) and ends Sunday at 11:59 PM (23:59). On each matchday a participating clan is playing a clanwar against another clan, facing each of the other clans once in a season. The matchdays and the matchups are set by the league administration.
5.2. The clanwars have to be played on certain times given by the league administration and scheduled at one of the following times during the period of a matchday:
  • 15:00 (3:00 PM)
  • 16:00 (4:00 PM)
  • 17:00 (5:00 PM)
  • 18:00 (6:00 PM)
  • 19:00 (7:00 PM)
  • 20:00 (8:00 PM)
The clans have to agree upon one of these matchdates until Saturday 23:59 (11:59PM) before the beginning of the according matchday. Clanwars or single matches cannot be postponed by the teams anymore, when the teams agreed upon a matchdate or their matchdate is set by the league administration.
5.3. If there is no possibility of scheduling the teams have to contact a league official. Teams which scheduled not in time receive one Penalty Point every 24 hours.

6.     League format      

6.1. A clanwar consists of a series of best of one (Bo1) matches. The player winning a match is advancing to the next match, while the player losing a match is eliminated and cannot play again in the clanwar. The team of the player who lost his match decides which player from their lineup plays next against the winner of the last match and which map is to be played next. The maps must be picked from the leagues mappool. Each team can pick a map only once in a clanwar. The first map set by the league administration is considered to be “neutral”, which means that both teams can pick it again. The clanwar ends when 4 players of one clan are eliminated.
6.2. Every team gets the possibility of using a joker once a season. This means a team is able to revive a player in a running clanwar by eliminating another player that is still in the lineup.
6.3. The winning team will receive one point in win/loss difference and the map-difference of each clanwar as rankingpoints. If two teams end up with the same amount of points in win/loss at the end of the season the clan with the better score-difference  in concerns of maps will be placed first in the ranking. If the score differences of the teams also equals the result of the individual match between those teams will come into account.

7.     Procedure of a clanwar

  • The teams have to schedule their match for the upcoming matchday in time. This means the clanwar has to be arranged until Saturday 23:59 CET before the according matchday starts.
  • Until 23:59 CET the day before starting the clanwar a statement with a minimum of 30 words of each team has to be available on the upcoming match.
  • The lineups have to be published 30 minutes before the start of the clanwar by using the administration tool.
  • Each clan has to make sure that their first player of the according war is available 5 minutes before the clanwar starts.
  • Games are not allowed to be started without a referee present for coverage and administration reasons. The teams are responsible to make sure that the referee is present. If the host starts the game without the referee being in the game the players have to leave the game and restart it.
  • Besides the host, the players, the admins and the coverage observers (shoutcasters as well as GGTV and WTV streamers) each clan is allowed to chose one additional observer. The observer of the clan has to be a part of the clans roster. Players will have to rely on the provided coverage (WTV, GGTV etc.).
  • After the end of a match the loser’s team has to announce their next player and the map within 5 minutes.
  • If a player doesn’t show up 15 minutes after the end of the last match his team will receive a default loss for his match. The waiting time for a first player begins 5 minutes before the official game start (the first player has to arrive at least hh:10 CET).
  • If a team wants to replace one of their players after the line-ups have been published (for example because of illness) the opposing team has to agree. If they don’t agree the team of the missing player will receive a default loss for the according match.
  • The referees will take care of uploading the replays. Nonetheless the teams have to make sure that all the replays are saved in case the referee disconnects out of a match.
  • If one of the players disconnects within the first 3 minutes of the match, it will be restarted with the same settings as the interrupted match.
  • If one of the players disconnects later than 3 minutes after the match has started, it will be counted as a default loss for the disconnecting player unless the player who did not disconnect is willing to offer a rematch.
  • If there is a bug that causes a disconnect (f.e. observer-bug in GG-Client) a league official will decide if there will be a rematch.
8.     Game Setting & Mappool

8.1. The league uses the “Warcraft III – The Frozen Throne” computer game with the latest game patch.
8.2. The game speed must be set to “fast”.
8.3. The league uses special modified maps for the tournament. The maps have extra features to enhance the spectator mode with an additional infoboard. The official mappack can be found here: Mappack
8.4. The following maps will be used in the league:
  • Secret Valley (TFT Version)
  • Terenas Stand (TFT Version)
  • Echo Isles (TFT Version)
  • Turtle Rock (TFT Version)
  • Twisted Meadows (TFT Version)
  • Lost Temple (RoC Version)
  • Gnoll Wood (TFT Version)
8.5. If both players agree it is allowed to use the current version of GG Client to play the match. If one of the players has problems with GG Client or disagrees, the match will be played on Battle.net.
8.6. Other third party programs are not allowed to be used during a match. Especially programs modifying the behaviour of Warcraft III are strictly forbidden.

9.     Ranking, Prize Money and Attendence Fee

9.1. The top 4 teams at the end of every NGL ONE season will get an invitation to attend the Offline-Finals
9.2. All attending clans receive an attendance fee at the end of the season, when they did not get any penalty points during the season or the finals. The participating clans of the NGL ONE will receive 500$.
9.3. The teams ranked on place nine and ten in the NGL ONE will decline to the next NGL TWO Season.
9.4. The teams ranked on place one and two in the NGL TWO will advance to the next NGL ONE Season.
9.5. The team that is ranked on place eight in the NGL ONE and the team that is ranked on place three in the NGL TWO will play a relegation match. The winner of this match will participate at the next NGL ONE Season while the loser declines to the  NGL TWO.
9.6. The top 3 teams of NGL TWO will get an extra prize money:
9.7. All attending clans receive an attendance fee at the end of the season, when they did not get any penalty points during the season or the finals. The participating clans of the NGL TWO will recieve 100$.
9.8. Every Penalty Point will result in a reduction of the paid out attendance fee & prize money by 5% of the full amount.
9.9. The amount of money not being paid out due to Penalty Points will be donated to a nonprofitmaking, good cause.
9.10. The attendance fee and prize money will be paid out based on information forms every clan has to send in. The information forms will be send to the clans not later than 4 weeks after the finals. The clans have 2 weeks to return the information forms to the league administration.

10.    Penalty Points

10.1. Violations of the rules will be punished with penalty points
10.2. All league officials are allowed to give penalty points if necessary
10.3. If a team received more than 10 Penalty Points it will be suspended from NGL ONE and NGL TWO and is not allowed to take part in the next Qualification.
10.4. The league officials have the right to suspend or ban single players from the league that have shown disrespectful behaviour.

Категория: Warcraft | Добавил: maO (27.06.2008)
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